Faith’s Coffee Team swings into action every Sunday. We make coffee and tea so that people can enjoy it before, during and after Sunday worship. We bring treats for everyone to enjoy after the service. And then we do the dishes!
There are between 15 and 20 people on the Coffee Team at any given time, and each Sunday 3 of us take a turn to provide the refreshments for the rest of the Faith family. That averages out to each coffee team volunteer being “on duty” once every 6 weeks or so. And every team member chooses which Sundays they will volunteer so they can work around their own schedule for vacation, work, family commitments, etc.
TO VOLUNTEER FOR THE COFFEE TEAM – please go to the CONTACT US page and send us an email, or leave us a phone message. Joining the Coffee Team is a really nice way to get to know others at Faith – there’s nothing like kitchen conversations to cement friendships! And you only volunteer when and if you can – no specific obligations. Lorna Turner manages the volunteer roster and Fannie Hunter manages the kitchen and makes sure we have the necessary supplies. We keep in touch mostly by email and in person on Sundays.
Here’s what happens a typical Sunday morning:
- One volunteer arrives early (8:45-9:00am) to start the coffee and tea so it’s ready when people begin arriving at 9:30am for the 10:00am worship service.
- Two other volunteers arrive at about 9:15am to get the cups out (we use ceramic cups most Sundays, with recyclable disposables occasionally), along with the milk, cream and sugar.
- Two of the volunteers also bring treats for everyone to share after the service. Sometimes these are home-made and sometimes they are store-bought. If they are purchased and a receipt is submitted then the volunteer can be reimbursed for the expense.
- After the worship service is over, the treats are out and everyone enjoys another coffee/tea and the refreshments.
- All three volunteers stay to wash the cups, clean up, and put everything away.